By Alexander Dworkowitz
A new Genovese drugstore is set to open in about a month on Northern Boulevard in Flushing, said a company spokeswoman.
Tami Alderman, a spokeswoman for the parent company Eckerd, said a Genovese on the corner of 160th Street and Northern Boulevard is “on schedule to open in late November or early December.”
The site is the Flushing Quartet movie theater that closed down several years ago. The Genovese is to share the location with a Macy’s bedding store that already opened at the location Sept. 19.
Alderman said the 11,000-square-foot drugstore will feature an express photo lab and a food court. It will be open seven days a week.
Many nearby merchants hope the Genovese will help bring more business to area.
“Probably more people will come over here,” said Judy Ahn, manager of Next Image, a video store located across Northern Boulevard from the planned Genovese.
“We’re happy about it,” said Dennis Mousouris, owner of a coffee shop also located across Northern from Genovese.