
Neighbor to Neighbor: Stamp honoring Marian Anderson unveiled

By Barbara Morris

There are those, however, who have such a need for nicotine (described in the dictionary as “a poisonous alkaloid that is the chief active principle of tobacco and is used as an insecticide”) that they feel it useless to try to stop. Not true! Two inveterate smokers have told me of two very different solutions, neither of which depends on self-control alone – one is hypnosis and the other is the patch. Either is worth a try to help protect your health and that of your family or associates. Another health concern is the overindulgence in food – usually the wrong kind of food. Some health advocates are suggesting fewer regular meals opting for brunch instead of breakfast and lunch. This might be the heavier meal of the day, earlier than the usual noon meal, with the evening meal the lighter of the two. It might be worth checking this option with your doctor to see if it might benefit your health.To reward yourself for your new self-improvement program, treat yourself to something uplifting. One such event took place Feb. 2 at noon at Roy Wilkins Park's Black Spectrum Theatre, where the United States Postal Service presented the unveiling of the latest in their Black Heritage Stamps, honoring the late, great Marian Anderson.As the first black opera star, she said, “I don't feel that I had to decide. It was something that just had to be done. I don't think I had much to say in choosing it. I think music chose me.” That having been said, her beautiful voice was heard and recorded in opera halls worldwide and will be appreciated for generations to come.The special guest was Washington, D.C.'s, Postmaster General Jack Potter. Our host was our own Jamaica Postmaster James J. Burns.The program included brief presentations by the postmaster general; our own postmaster; Associate Minister Dwane Thomas of The Greater Allen Cathedral; Assemblyman William Scarborough; Carl Clay of the Black Spectrum Theatre; Hilda Rogers of the NAACP; Jack Thompson of the Cambria Heights Civic Association and the Jamaica Postal Advisory Council; and students from the Allen Christian School, who read essays they had written. The program also included music and dance (both ballet and step).I sincerely hope the threat of the United States Postal Service going out of business never comes to pass. It is not outside of the realm of possibility, however, as members of the Jamaica Postal Advisory Council (of which I am a member) have been told. I look forward to the human contact with our friend, Jack Huang, our letter carrier, with Sea Hofman, manager of our Springfield Gardens station and all the other nice people who are a part of the service that brings our catalogues, magazines, letters, and even the bills that are necessary for us to receive other services we need or want.The trouble is, the USPS has limitations on the way they can create revenue. They can sell stamps and stamps-related items, but they also provide some mailing products free of charge and also provide educational material free of charge. We hope you realize the USPS is trying to maintain and improve the service supplied to you. We thank you for your continued support and request any helpful suggestions you care to make.