
A Travesty Of A Mockery Of A Sham

With all the hub-bub of a mayoral forum here in Queens last week, I never had the chance to properly introduce myself or this column to you.
What I intend to bring you every week in this space is an insightful, informative, only-slightly-biased and humorous (I hope) take on the everyday soap opera that is politics in New York City — and specifically, of course, here in Queens.
There are a lot of politicians in this borough (45 alone between Congress, City Council, State Assembly and Senate) and that means a lot of legislating and even more politicking.
Not to mention all the egos.
One of my hopes with this column is to showcase positive things being done by our elected officials. However, I also don’t want whispers to go unheard, so if I hear it out and about, I’ll bring it to you. Gossip loves company.
And unlike some who feign neutrality in their political reporting, I am willing to admit to you my biases.
My stepdad is Councilmember Jim Gennaro. I ran his 2001 campaign, which was my “Politics 101,” as it was. I go on a religious retreat every year that both Peter Vallone, Jr. and Sr. also attend. I’ve been to David Weprin’s house a few times, Brooklyn Councilmember Bill DeBlasio was once in my basement (where our campaign headquarters was located) and while I am now ashamed to admit it (especially this week) Allan Jennings (before he was a Councilmember) once pet my cat, Odie.
Why do I tell you all this? Just so you know that when you are connected to politics in this city, you have doings with everyone. At some point everyone is your friend and everyone your enemy. The best I can do is try to give you a peek inside and offer you my opinion. Whether you agree or disagree with me, I encourage you to tell me your thoughts at: politics@queenscourier.com
Note to press secretaries: Releases of elected officials standing still, smiling and pointing at something are not going to get printed in this space.
So what is going to get printed? Well, let’s unfortunately start with the aforementioned Mr. Jennings. The more I read about this, the more I ask myself, “Where is the outrage?”
No one is calling this what it truly is: an embarrassment to the Council. This man should be out of a job. Period. He was found guilty of inappropriate behavior and used a woman’s physical appearance as his defense! And yet, he is on the offensive, calling the penalties he is in line to receive “institutionally racist.”
The fact is, losing committee assignments, paying a $5,000 fine and having to take some sexual harassment classes is nothing more than an inconvenience for Jennings. The full Council will vote on these recommendations Wednesday, and a number of my sources said it’s a lock they’ll pass as is.
The voters of his 28th District should levy their own judgments in the September Primary. Former member Thomas White, Dhanpaul Narine, Larry McClean and Albert Baldeo (who has raised over $20,000) have all thrown their hats in the ring.
Given the lewd details of Jennings’ hearings, it may be time for someone else to represent the interests of the residents of South Jamaica.