
Rosedale land sale delayed due to low turnout at meet

By Peter A. Sutters Jr.

Despite support from the three members who did attend the meeting, the sale of the land in Rosedale, which borders the Long Island Rail Road tracks, Francis Lewis Boulevard and Brookville Boulevard, is going to be re-voted on at next month's Borough Board meeting , according to Dan Andrews, spokesman for Borough President Helen Marshall. Voting in favor of the land deal were councilmen Tony Avella (D-Bayside), Leroy Comrie (D-St. Albans) and James Sanders Jr. (D-Laurelton). Voting against the measure was the chair of Community Board 13 Richard Hellenbrecht, who despite his yes vote at a CB 13 meeting earlier this month, said he had to vote with his board who defeated the sale 18-10.”I have to stand by the wishes of my board,” said Hellenbrecht. “We support the project, its the land deal we have a problem with.”The problem with the land deal that Hellenbrecht spoke of was talked about at length at the last CB 13 meeting and was also discussed by the borough board. At issue in the land deal is the failure of the city's Economic Development Corporation's to disclose the full terms of the contract between the city and Stoneridge Organization Inc, the developer.Judy Barr, Senior Project Manager with the EDC told the board that the terms of contracts are not made public until after the deal is finalized.”We don't as a matter of policy allow the community board to see the contract,” said Barr. Another issue with the deal is no sale clause that only requires Stoneridge to hold on to the property for five years. CB 13 had wanted a 30 year no sale clause so that the land could not be sold for a profit in such a short periods of time. Barr and a representative form Stoneridge explained that in order to finance the deal city bonds were purchased that require the land to be used for low income senior housing and if the land were sold before the 30 year maturity date, they would be voided. Barr said this in effect was the same as a 30 year no sale clause. Another measure that was voted on but will also have to be pushed off to next months' meeting was the sale of a community garden in Cambria Heights along Linden Boulevard to the Trust for Public Land. All three council members in attendance and CB 13 chair voted in favor of the sale.Reach reporter Peter A. Sutters Jr. by e-mail at news@timesledger.com or by phone at 718-229-0300 Ext 173.