By Stanley P. Gershbein
There are people out there that are idiots. No! I take that back. I don’t want to be disrespectful. Let’s just say that they lack some of the intelligence that we would like them to have. I’ll start with the Floridians down in Palm Beach, Miami-Dade and Broward counties. Just a handful of days ago I was sitting on Fort Lauderdale Beach – you know the place – that’s where they shot those Frankie Avalon, Annette Funicello beach party flicks last century. Waddya’ mean “Who is Annette Funicello?” Ask your mom, your grandma, or take the time and trouble to look her up. Anyway – I was warming my tired old bones in the sunshine, had my new headset on and was listening to The Steve Kane Show. The Steve Kane Show is pretty much like every other radio talk show. Listeners phone in their views and the host comments on them. Once upon a time Mr. Kane was a Liberal. My belief is that he saw where the bucks are and like so many others he jumped ship and now leans so far to the right it’s a wonder he doesn’t topple over. It’s only my opinion but I think that he’s the Sunshine State’s version of our own Bob Grant. On this particular morning the callers were still arguing about – you’re not going to believe this – they were still arguing the chads, dimples, pimples, doodads and all the other garbage about the Gore vs. Bush campaign and election. They were griping about the “stolen election” of 2000. As if that wasn’t bad enough they had the brass, the colossal nerve, the Chutzpah to gripe about the minorities in Broward and Palm Beach Counties that were disenfranchised. I love that word. It’s to bad that many of those callers who claimed they were ‘disenfranchised’ don’t even know the meaning of the word. I had a good laugh when a caller on another show stated, “I was disenfranchised and what’s more they didn’t even let me vote.” I wonder if those callers from the two regions just mentioned are aware of the fact that the counties they were grumbling about are owned and operated by the Floridian Democrats. If anyone was prohibited from exercising his rights at the polling place, his quarrel is with the DEMOCRATS, not a conservative talk show host. ******** Another category of idiots….ooops. I mean less-intelligent people, are cigarette smokers. Everybody knows that they are more susceptible to lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease and yes – a much-shortened life. I wrote about this last year and those nice but less intelligent people wrote nasty letters to me about smoker’s rights. Yes, you fools. You do have the right to kill yourself — or do you? ******** Another group of –oh IDIOTS – Let’s call these people what they really are. They are IDIOTS. I’m talking about the people who fought to repeal the motorcycle helmet law. Up until five years ago it was mandatory that everyone in the Sunshine State riding a motorcycle wear a regulation helmet. Bikers and their friends squawked, griped, picketed, and did everything they can to change the law. The legislature finally tossed in the towel by making a dumb compromise. The rules were changed making it necessary to carry ten thousand dollars of medical insurance in lieu of wearing the proper gear. Smokers have rights. Bikers have rights. Drug addicts have rights. All idiots have rights. ******** I know that you love Mayor Bloomberg. That’s obvious by the overwhelming landslide victory in his recent re-election. But hang on, Sloopy. The CEO of this great city is against profiling. Hey Mike – Take a good look. All over this planet there is are young Muslims blowing themselves up followed by more young Muslims blowing themselves up followed by more young…….you get the picture. I like this Mayor very much but is he spouting this as his true beliefs? I have to believe that he is more interested in political correctness than he is in protecting us. The same goes for the Loony Left Bush Bashers who are against the Patriot Act. I’m for protecting my family first. Then I’ll worry about civil liberties. ******** Wherever I am, I find Hillary fans. I’m not talking about enthusiastic groupies such as in sports or entertainment. I’m talking about admiring, loving devotees who are so enamored with her that the mere mention of her name is almost orgasmic. They moan, they sigh, they are more than in love. They worship her. Yet if you ask them why, they respond with “Oh. She’s such a good senator.” Really? They are stumped when I ask, “What has she done for New York?” Duuhhh!! She makes a lot of great speeches. She represents her party well. In fact, she does a better job of representing her party than she does her constituents. I’m looking at the results from a reliable source dated a couple of months ago. As of then our U.S. Senator had twenty-one of her bills passed. Sounds good. Right? WRONG! Fourteen of those bills were merely symbolic such as the renaming of a courthouse and a post office. Of the seven remaining bills, three were related to 9/ll and would have passed anyway, no matter who submitted them. The other four were relatively minor issues and without looking them up there’s not one of you out there that can tell me what they were and how they helped you. There are other bills attached to her name that are still being discussed in committees and have yet to be acted upon. They are spending bills that deal with squandering more money than any other U.S. Senator. Her voting record to date tells us that she is to the left of Ted Kennedy. She is for so many things that so many of us are against. Yet they adore her. I am still scratching my head. 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