
Anti-cancer bill defeated in Senate

The American Cancer Society was recently successful in stopping a Senate bill that would have eliminated insurance coverage of vital cancer screenings, but is still in the midst of ensuring that cancer funding is being made a priority in the federal budget.
S. 1955, the Health Insurance Marketplace Modernization and Affordability Act, would have cut the coverage of mammograms, colon cancer screenings, prostate cancer screenings, clinical trials and off-label drug use.
The Cancer Action Network, the sister advocacy organization of ACS, took up the cause, creating a campaign to get constituents to write and call their local senators to encourage them to stop this bill. During the campaign, more than 173,500 e-mails were sent to Senators. Additionally, calls exceeding 9,000 were placed to their offices.
Although the American Cancer Society is happy with the results of the campaign against S. 1955, it is still working to see that cancer receives proper funding as the House of Representatives works to create their draft of the federal budget. This campaign is on going until December, when the final budget will be passed.
To find out more information about this issue as well as other matters currently being addressed by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network and what you can do to help, visit their website at www.acscan.org.