
Bill eliminates VACs driver search fees

For some reason, volunteer ambulance companies have been paying fees to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles for record searches and copies of documents for new drivers, while volunteer fire departments don’t. That, however, is no longer the case.
Senator Frank Padavan and Assemblywoman Ann-Margaret Carrozza announced the passage of S. 7704/A.11314 – legislation which exempts these companies from fees charged by the DMV.
&#8220Recently, DMV officials determined that volunteer ambulance service should not receive free copies of the driving records of prospective ambulance drivers,” Assemblywoman Carrozza said. &#8220Volunteer ambulances obtain these driving records to make certain that their employees are qualified and properly trained to operate an ambulance in accordance with New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law, and have no Class A infractions. Such records are available at no charge to volunteer fire companies.”