
Queens firemen heroes of explosion

Two Queens firefighters from Rescue 4 are heroes after they rushed into a building that exploded on East 62nd Street in Manhattan on Monday June 10, helping pull Dr. Nicholas Bartha, the owner of the building suspected of trying to blow it up in a suicide attempt, out of the rubble.
The two firefighters, Charles Wiemann and Richard Schmidt went down into the building shortly after it collapsed.
&#8220Firefighter Schmidt heard a voice, and they were able to locate his [Dr. Bartha's] position by hearing him,” said Fire Department spokesperson Farrell Sklerov.
When the two reached Bartha, they put a device similar to a respirator on him and gave him oxygen in the carbon monoxide-filled area. Then, they were able to lower a backboard, strap him to it, and then push while four other firefighters helped pull him out, according to Sklerov.
In total, five firefighters and one lieutenant from Rescue 4 rushed to the scene, which rocked the Upper East Side neighborhood during the morning rush hour. The blast injured 15 pedestrians and firefighters, and investigators are probing the possibility that the gas line leading into the house had been tampered with prior to the blast.
As of Tuesday night, reports had Dr. Bartha still in the hospital but his prognosis remained uncertain.