This Fourth of July was a bit sad for me because of the Supreme Court ruling that flag burning is covered under “free speech.” That ruling reminded me of another case that took place in 1896. By an 8-1 margin, the Supreme Court found that “separate but equal doctrine” was constitutional. It took 58 years before it was unanimously overturned. I hope that this will happen with the flag burning issue and it won't take that long.
Why didn't the five assenting judges in the flag burning case make a distinction between a physical act and speech? There is a marked difference between a physical act and words. If the Founders wanted to use symbols, as was expressed by the High Court, it would have done so.
A symbol is not an expressed word but “a mark, something abstract.” However, more importantly, why would anyone pick on the American flag to show their dislike? There are other ways - besides insulting families who have lost loved ones in wars - to have the freedom to show how ungrateful you are.
John Favicchio
Happy Parent Praises Son's Teachers
Dear Mrs. LaPenta, Mrs. Hobbs and staff at the Holliswood School, Fourth grade was fabulous! You've done a miracle job with my son this year. He loves you. He loves his friends, his classroom and his school.
Here are 10 reasons why you deserve a lovely summer!
1. You are a master teacher and we love you!
2. You have an engaging classroom environment. There's so much to see, touch and feel in your classroom. Artwork, books and other learning objects surround the children.
3. You have a great deal of patience for kids of all shapes, sizes and personalities!
4. You go the extra mile for your families (a monthly classroom newsletter, your attendance at school meetings and performances, the kind things you notice and say about our children).
5. You make learning fun!
6. Your eyes sparkle. You have a friendly smile, and beautiful disposition.
7. You saw aspects of my son that I didn't fully appreciate (his poetry, his creative writing).
8. You gave my son confidence in the classroom and made him feel special for work well done.
9. You gave gifts of learning and small treats throughout the year. We appreciate these gifts, and enjoyed sharing happy moments with our son as he recounted his feats in your classroom.
10. It is obvious that you care about teaching and our children. For all the time - both in and out of school - that you spend on us, we love and appreciate your work!
Have a lovely summer with your family! We will see you in September.
Susan Shiroma, happy parent,
District 26, Region 3
Stop Illegal Immigration
What constitutes a nation? More than a line drawn on a map - it is an expression of shared principles, a distinct culture, language and institutions - which together have the power to weld together multi-ethnic groups and create a vision of unity.
Immigrants in the past became Americans. They learned English and they pledged their primary loyalty to the nation.
Can a nation that no longer values the principles that formed its sense of unity continue to exist in the face of unchecked immigration, particularly when immigrants are no longer expected to assimilate? Will large numbers of unassimilated foreign nationals eventually seek political and cultural autonomy from the United States in regions where they hold numerical superiority?
We must put a stop to the illegal immigration crisis before that crisis results in the disintegration of our country.
Janet McCarthy
Put America First!
This is in response to Liz Nielsen of Flushing's letter in the June 8th 2006 issue.
Right on! There aren't enough people who are willing to speak out in support of Americans for America. Anyone who lives here should be happy to be an American and practice the ideals upon which this country was founded - work hard, support your family, obey our rules, and speak English.
We're labeled “anti-immigrant,” “bigots,” “racists,” etc. when we hard-working, self-sustaining Americans speak out about immigrants who come here with their hands out-stretched and only looking to fill their pockets with as many freebies as they can get.
America is a country old enough now to have its own language, English, its own traditions, holidays, and laws. If you CHOOSE to move here, you have chosen to live the AMERICAN way.
If anyone doesn't like what I had to say, too bad, this is America and we have freedom of speech! It's time we put AMERICA first.
Joan Bruno