
Zoning issues remain hot topic

The Queens Civic Congress had a general membership meeting on Monday, September 18, with the main topic of conversation being zoning issues that exist throughout the borough.
During the meeting, Community Board 11 chair Jerry Iannece and Community Board 13 chair Richard Hellenbrecht were invited to address organization members regarding the relationship between community boards and civic associations, as well as the importance of community boards. The two explained that community boards are an official part of the zoning process and that it is necessary to have public hearings with affected CBs. Hellenbrecht said that community boards carefully listen to problems and concerns and work to address them.
&#8220I think that we work very closely with our civic associations,” he said.
Iannece elaborated by saying that the community boards, which he described as vital organizations, keep local residents informed and give them an opportunity to be heard.
After the issue of zoning had been brought up, members began to bring up some of the zoning problems that exist within their respective areas. It was decided that those in attendance should write letters detailing their problems to local elected officials to make them aware of the situations.
Another problem that was voiced during the meeting was construction companies doing more than their posted permits allow and the need to report such violations.
The use of 3-1-1 was also touched on, with Iannece saying that, although he is in favor of it, it has eroded his ability to track problems within the community that are reported. It was recommended that anyone who calls in a complaint to 3-1-1 should give their complaint number to their local community board.
For more information on the Queens Civic Congress, visit w or call 718-225-2807.