
Faith-Based Conference Draws Crowds

The Reverend Floyd H. Flake, Ph.D. and Reverend Elaine M. Flake, Ph.D. hosted a three-day Faith Based Conference on Economic Development for pastors, church leaders and community leaders this week at The Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral of New York.
According to Citigroup, one of the supporters of the conference, the gathering is supposed to exhibit the power of the faith-based community that has used this power to create and change lives, as well as guarantee economic empowerment for deprived communities.
The conference, which ran from September 25 to 27, featured many accomplished panelists like the Rev. Dr. Floyd Flake, Mr. Kelvin Boston, Rev. Senator James Meeks and many others.
It also showcased several workshops on starting and improving businesses. Some of the workshops highlighted financing operations, developing business and strategic plans and exploring new enterprises.
One of the speakers, Boston had said that people are fearful to engage in activities concerning wealth. &#8220Fear has become the number one reason why people do not succeed,” he said.
Boston advised the crowd to be &#8220spiritual financial freedom fighters.” In order to boost morale, he asked the audience to repeat the affirmation, &#8220Rich at last, rich at last. Thank God Almighty I’m rich at last.”