
School Leaders Need A Contract

The Council of School Supervisors & Administrators (CSA) has called for fact-finding with the Department of Education (DOE) and the City. The CSA contract covers some 6,000 members - Principals, Assistant Principals, Supervisors and Education Administrators.
The CSA contract expired on June 30, 2003 and to this date is now in its 40th month without resolution. CSA has held 12 negotiating meetings with the City and the DOE, 14 informal collective bargaining discussions, 3 sub-committee meetings, 12 phone sessions and several mediation sessions. In addition to salary increases, a focal point for the city has been the rights of members who are &#8220excessed” from their schools.
Since CSA's contract expired, the DOE has engaged in union-busting tactics and improper practices, most notably their efforts to divide Principals and Assistant Principals and flout state education law.
As an affiliate of the New York City Central Labor Council, we are urging you to support your brothers and sisters of Local 1 of the American Federation of School Administrators, the CSA by contacting the Mayor and Chancellor and telling them to work out a fair and equitable contract with all due diligence. Write to them and send CSA a copy of your letter:
Mayor Michael Bloomberg, City Hall, New York, NY 10007.
Schools Chancellor Joel Klein, 52 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10007.
CSA President Jill Levy, 16 Court Street, 5th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11241.
Ted H. Jacobsen
Secretary of the New York City
Central Labor Council

Decimating Democracy
What is with this &#8220Can't Do” administration?
They invade a country and can't figure out how to win the ill-conceived attack or even bring our soldiers home. Conversely, our country is being invaded at our southern border and they can't figure out how to stem the attack or even drive the illegal transgressors out. They have proven to be as incompetent going in as they are getting out.
There was a time when our country was admired and the envy of the world. We were the &#8220Can Do” Americans. We had a country which functioned by the rule of &#8220Checks and Balance” in which our three independent branches of government with equal power made certain that no one branch nor any one political party had the power to allow us to become a totalitarian society such as the dictatorial regimes we had traditionally denounced. And that abhorrence has indeed proven valid right here within our own country. The three branches have now become one. We are suffering the misjudgments of the Executive Branch with a &#8220No Oversight” congress and a Supreme Court stacked by and politically and predominantly aligned with the Executive and Legislative branches, should any judgment be required of them.
Congratulations Americans - we have managed to morph our proud democracy into a single party totalitarianism, the kind we have always condemned and referred to as the enemy of our democracy. They have now made us our own enemy by decimating our democracy….and in only six years.
Kimberly Lee

Good Advice For Mets Fans
To all those upset about the name for the new Mets Stadium - Citi Field - and believe the Mets sold out to Citigroup, let me say this. The deal is done and its time to move on. Whatever the stadium is named, the Mets are still the Mets, and we believe in them. For remember this - A rose by any other name would it not smell as sweet?
Frederick R. Bedell Jr.

Bashing The Public Advocate
I agree with the sentiments expressed in a recent letter to the editor &#8220Just Another Headache” (Sylvia & Ira Bailen - November 9) concerning how irrelevant the office of Public Advocate is. Add NYC Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum to the list of elected public officials who have abused the power of their office.
This latest incident confirms why taxpayers would be better off if the Public Advocate was abolished. Any ordinary municipal employee using a City vehicle on public time for personal business as Public Advocate Gotbaum has done would be fired. Moreover, why does Gotbaum deserve her own police security detail? I really doubt that she is the target of any terrorist group. Our police department has better things to do than serve as her chaperone.
Millions of New Yorkers go to and from work and shopping on a daily basis using public mass transportation. Why is Gotbaum so arrogant that she couldn't ride the subway like everyone else to travel around town? Just like many City Councilmember colleagues, she probably has never purchased a MetroCard or doesn't know how to use one.
Thank goodness, term limits will force her out of both the chauffeured limousine and public office in 2009. After that, she can go shopping on her own time and dime!
Larry Penner
Great Neck