
Hospital removing Trans fat from their meals

In order to make meals for their patients even healthier, the North Shore-Long Island Jewish (LIJ) Health System is removing all trans fat from the foods its facilities serve.
&#8220Our health care professionals and culinary team have always been focused on providing healthy and nutritious foods, and our latest step to remove all trans fat from our food is something we feel very strongly about at North Shore-LIJ,” said president and CEO Michael J. Dowling. &#8220Not only are we the region's largest healthcare provider, but we are one of Long Island's largest caterers, with more than 35,000 people eating at our facilities on a daily basis. Therefore, we recognize how important it is for us to institute a zero trans fat rule system-wide, and set the precedent for healthier trans fat-free preparation throughout Long Island.”
In preparing meals for patients, staff and the visitor's restaurant, North Shore-LIJ will use Ventura Foods' Mel-Fry Free Frying Oil and Trans Fat Free Soy Oil.
Trans fat increases the amount of LDL, or bad cholesterol in a person while lowering good cholesterol, known as HDL. It results in clogged arteries that increase a person's chances of developing heart disease or stroke. Trans fat has contributed to an estimated 30,000 deaths per year in the United States, according to research done by Harvard's School of Public Health.
&#8220Although Long Island has yet to take the steps that New York City has in terms of formally calling for the elimination of trans fat from restaurants, we felt it was very important for us to move forward with a zero trans fat policy at all of our facilities,” Dowling said. &#8220As the region's largest health care provider, North Shore-LIJ has an obligation to our patients, staff and visitors to serve the healthiest meals possible.”