
Attention Shoppers…Just Wait

By Helen Klein

Santa isn’t likely to be bringing Triangle Equities any early presents, next holiday season. As a result of a series of unforeseen delays, the opening of the mall now being constructed at the Junction is being pushed back, with the new likely opening date the winter of 2008, rather than the 2007 holiday shopping season. Elysa Goldman, a representative of Triangle Equities, the company building the mall, told members of Community Board 14 that the mall’s opening date had been affected by two issues. Goldman spoke about the matter during the board’s Executive Committee meeting, which was held at CB 14’s office, 810 East 16th Street. For one thing, said Goldman, workers had discovered buried tanks on the property while excavating for the foundation, long after the developers had thought all tanks had been removed. “We had taken out the tanks, and had the Department of Environmental Conservation sign off on it,” Goldman told her listeners. “Then, we went in for construction and, lo and behold, we found a lot more.” The other reason for delay, said Goldman, was, “A minor accident with the Long Island Railroad. It delayed us a couple of weeks, as well.” Now, however, the work is going forward. “All the foundations are poured,” she said, “and the steel should be going up any day now.” There is no new news on who will be occupying the mall. Target is the anchor tenant, occupying a 220,000-square-foot space. This will be the third store that the nationwide chain has opened in the borough. The other, smaller spaces have not yet been leased, acknowledged Goldman, who said that the developer was currently in negotiation with a variety of national chains, “What you’d expect in terms of soft goods, electronics, apparel, restaurants.” Because of the preponderance of fast food eateries at the Junction, Goldman said that Triangle was trying to find a sit-down, family-style restaurant for the mall. Goldman said that she anticipated having signed leases within the next four to six months. The 300,000-square-foot retail complex, which will be known as Triangle at the Junction, is being built on the site of the former municipal parking lot, bounded by Flatbush Avenue, Avenue H, Nostrand Avenue and the Long Island Railroad cut, as well as in the air space over the tracks. There will be parking for 500 cars on five levels.