
Borough Hall gives ‘em all an ‘A’ for Attendence

By Helen Klein

Six member of Community Board 14 were honored by Borough President Marty Markowitz for perfect attendance over the past year. At the board’s December meeting, which was held at Public School 249, Caton Avenue and Marlborough Road, Alice Wong, representing Markowitz, presented certificates to Henry Floyd, Lawrence Hilonowitz, Edward Powell, Morris Sacks, Hynda Schneiweiss, and Marshall Tames. The borough president distributes perfect attendance certificates to members of community boards throughout Brooklyn each year. All members are volunteers, and must either live in, own property in or work in the community board area to be eligible. Each board (there are 18 in Brooklyn and 59, citywide) has 50 members, half of whom are selected by the borough president and the other half by the city councilmembers who represent the board area.