Senator Frank Padavan recently joined members of Cub Scout Pack 235 and Boy Scout Troop 235 at their annual Blue and Gold Awards Dinner. Above, Padavan presents certificates to 10 “Arrow of Light” recipients: (left to right) Jesse Coma, Nicholas Demarco, Michael DeSena, Steven Dimaris, David Friedman, Tyler Ratigan, Brody Reddy, Daniel Sommer, Peter Vecchio, and Zachary Wong, as well as Scout Leader Hillary Ratigan (second from left).
The “Arrow of Light” is awarded to Cub Scouts who have been in the group for at least six months since turning age 10 or entering the fourth grade. Scouts must demonstrate their knowledge of various Scout mottos and laws; earn five activity badges; visit a Boy Scout meeting; go on an overnight trip; and complete the honest character connection, which involves talking with family members about the importance of honesty.