
Elmhurst Street renamed for Florry Burrell

Councilmember Helen Sears (front, second right) is joined by Florry Burrell’s family and friends at the recent renaming of 52nd Avenue and 94th Street in her honor.
Burrell moved to Elmhurst in 1952, was active in the Red Cross, Girl Scouts and Mother’s Club at nearby P.S. 13, where she worked as a school aide for 35 years. Burrell passed away in 2002.
Among those in attendance were Burrell’s daughters, Adrienne Sosin (front right) and Barbara Burrell (front, with picture.) Grandson Michael Sosin holds up a commemorative road sign.
“It is particularly appropriate that today we are here to make her memory a permanent part of the community” Sears said, adding “People like her make a community.”