
‘Mister Softee’ not just ice cream anymore

Mister Softee driver Jermaine Jordan sold more than just ice cream.
Jordan, 26, of St. Albans, was arrested Sunday, August 5 for selling marijuana and cocaine from his truck.
Police say Jordan placed the drugs in the bottom of customers’ ice cream cups.
The 103rd Precinct swarmed and raided Jordan’s truck when the dealer parked it in front of Intermediate School 8 in South Jamaica, a usual stop on his afternoon route.
In addition to drugs, police found a loaded .380 semiautomatic pistol.
Jordan, who has served time for prior weapons convictions, is facing multiple gun and drug charges.
“We trusted this guy,” said 53-year-old Donald Williams in published reports. Williams gave his granddaughter money for ice cream whenever Jordan’s truck came around. “We send kids out there every day,” he said. “I feel betrayed.”
Williams has lived in the Jamaica area for 40 years, and said he “never would have thought Mister Softee was dealing drugs. Not Mister Softee.”
After receiving a tip six weeks ago, narcotics officers had been investigating Jordan continuously, said NYPD Captain Jimmy Coan. As soon as they obtained a search warrant, police moved in for the arrest.
“We don’t believe that he was selling to schoolchildren,” Coan said in a published report. “There was no specific code word, per se, [but] if he felt comfortable, he would serve you.”
A cousin of Jordan’s said it was “not like” the Mister Softee employee to engage in such criminal behavior.
“It’s a crazy world,” he said.
Craig Zoly, a sub-distributor for the Queens branch of Mister Softee, kept his comments brief.
“The guy hasn’t been convicted yet,” said Zoly. “Obviously, we’re not going to let him work, because the kids are very important to us.”
Zoly said Mister Softee makes an effort to “watch” all its drivers to guard against transgressions like Jordan’s.