
Remembering those we’ve lost

Farenga Funeral Home celebrated the holidays by remembering loved ones. On Sunday afternoon, December 16, at St. Michael’s Cemetery, the funeral home held its annual Service of Remembrance. The funeral home sponsors this event to honor all those who have died over the past year.
“Families we have served appreciate that we take time to remember their loved ones by name,” says Gus Antonopoulos, owner and manager of Farenga Funeral Home on Astoria Boulevard. “We know the holidays are a very difficult time for those who have lost a loved one. When families can actually have a tribute to the person they lost, it helps them to cope with the loss. That’s why we light a candle of love at this service each year. Our family funeral home does this because we want families to know we understand what they are going through and want to be there for them, not just at the time of the funeral, but all year long.”
Farenga Funeral Home serves many families in the area. They have sponsored many community events, including ones after September 11 and ones having to do with coping with grief. They can be reached at 718-726-6060.