By Shavana Abruzzo
We should be beyond caring about the wrath of Muslims over the new Dutch mini-documentary on Islam and the Koran by Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders, whose profile in courage is a lesson for all of us who value life over death, liberty over oppression and right over wrong Translated as ‘trouble’ and shunned by the Dutch government and national broadcasters for its thought-provoking content, Fitna skillfully sketches the maniacal Muslim mindset, and its thirst for blood and revenge against non-believers with a 15-minute arrangement of foam-mouthed proselytizers and chilling carnage from the 9/11 and Madrid terror attacks against turning pages of the Koran as English sub-titles inform the viewer of Islam’s relentless and rabid beliefs. It culminates with the infamous Danish cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed wearing a bomb-accessorized turban, and the words: “The government insists that you respect Islam, but Islam has no respect for you….Islamic ideology has to be defeated…defend our freedom.” In between, incendiary images of believers activate the fiery Koranic text: “…Allah is happy when non-Muslims are killed…” “Don’t leave even one to live…” “Disbelievers will burn in fire…” “We will cut his throat…” “Cut their throats, spill their blood…” “Butcher the Jews, be prepared for the real Holocaust…” “God Bless Hitler…” “Jews are monkeys and swines…” The usual threats, notwithstanding – the grand imam of Egypt has warned of “severe consequences” and Muslims in Beirut, Lebanon have declared that “the West should fear the reactions” – this round of controversy is practically tempered in comparison to past bouts, because, by now, we are much too familiar with the temper tantrums of aggrieved Muslims. False bravado aside, the Islamic world’s credibility is in shreds and it knows it. It is well aware that crying wolf over racial profiling has lost its impact, and its cronies have been reduced to issuing ill-humored jokes about the global calamities wrought by Muslim terrorists: “Fitna looks like any amateurish YouTube movie that some troubled teenager might have cooked up in his bedroom,” blithely quips the Lebanese website,, in a Freudian slip that is not lost on anyone. Nor is the abject lack of compassion for innocent victims of Islam’s ticking timebombs. The courage of Geert Wilders should be applauded. His film needs no defending, even though he has aptly noted, it is “not a provocation but the harsh reality and a political conclusion.” Such a foregone conclusion, in fact, that the next step is a global convention on Islam and why it generates such rage and jealousy towards fellow humankind in too many of its believers. The Free World – the one that Muslim zealots would like to destroy and replace with their barbaric lawlessness – enjoys its freedom because of a press that has more latitude than, certainly, in Muslim countries. Therefore, it is disappointing that some western websites and cyber media pipelines removed Fitna from their servers because of a fear of reprisals. Liveleak, a British-based video sharing website, was “left with no other choice” but to discontinue the film, leaving the spineless outlet to regret “the sad day for freedom of speech on the net” it helped perpetuate because “in the end the price was too high.” Coward. Evolving events in recent years have birthed a fear of Islam that can only worsen – much like that religion’s reputation – because of followers, who kill to force us to believe that theirs is a peaceful religion. Thanks to valiant crusaders, such as Geert Wilders, their evil is exposed. Again. E-mail“A Britisher’s View” at All letters become the property of Courier-Life Publications and are subject to publication unless otherwise specified; please include your name, address and daytime telephone number for verification.