By simply visiting a new web site, crime victims and other citizens can instantly learn which incarcerated offenders are coming up for parole.
According to George B. Alexander, Chairman of the Board of Parole and Chief Executive Officer of the Division of Parole, the new web-based service was established to inform citizens of who may be released, and to make it easier for concerned individuals to voice their concerns to the parole board.
“Under the law, victims have a right to speak out when an offender comes up for parole and the parole board must take their views into consideration,” Alexander said. “However, in some cases the victims are not aware that an offender is eligible for parole. We want to make it easier for victims and other citizens to obtain information on parolees and potential parolees.”
The first phase of the initiative went online at
Users are now able to look back at parole board determinations over the past two years, and look forward to cases that will come before the board in the next six months. Additionally, a link has been added to make it easier for crime victims to submit a victim impact statement.
Phase II, which is slated to go on-line later this year, will add search capabilities and information on individuals currently on parole - such as the length of sentence the offender served, the supervising parole officer and contact information for the appropriate regional parole office.
Alexander said the Division of Parole is eager to make public information more accessible to the public.
“Victims and other members of the public must have ready access to the information to which they are entitled, and we are committed to that principle,” Alexander said. “I believe that as people become better aware of our processes and decisions, they will have a greater appreciation for and better understanding of the good work that we do.”