Good day everyone…
I recently enrolled in a continuing education program at a local college to pursue certification in nutrition. For those of you who have followed my column throughout the years, it’s no secret to you that my love affair with biscotti and espresso has gone through many stages, from the honeymoon to the separation and back again.
However, knowledge is power. For many years I have been searching for a reliable and accurate source of nutritional guidance. When I became a personal trainer back in 2004, we touched lightly upon “nutritional basics.” However, through these courses, I am able to really “sink my teeth” into some definite science. My classes are filled with “tasty” little morsels of information that I am learning and already applying in my own life.
I’d like to share some of the basics with you, as I have learned them. After all, knowledge is worthless unless it is shared with friends.
The most important thing I have learned so far is this:
We are the product of our own lifestyles. Sure, genetics plays a part in how we are wired, but the continual day in and day out abuse that we put ourselves through has given our heritage an environment in which to thrive.
Even though obesity and diabetes may run in your family, there are strategies you can take, through diet and exercise, that will help you fight back.
Every illness, from heart disease to depression, can be affected by diet and exercise. Even as I am sitting here, writing this article, I am stopped by a member at my office door who wants to tell me of an article in today’s New York Times citing the benefits of exercise. We simply cannot ignore it. We really do have more control over our own health than we exhibit.
The entire course I am now attending is simply the scientific proof of the old adage, “You are what you eat.” Moderation in everything is truly the key. Finding a healthy balance between food satisfaction and nutritional stability is a trial and error type of process.
Food is not the enemy. Food can be your friend. However, it’s important to choose your friends wisely.
The media keeps trying to categorize foods as either “good” or “bad.” They tell us to eat more of “this” and cut more of “that,” and we respond. However, I’m learning that everything has a place in most people’s diets, even a slice of bread (if you can pick one that contains the healthier ingredients, that is).
My point is that we shouldn’t be so quick to give up on ourselves. Many diseases can be improved upon by eating healthier and exercising regularly.
In some cases, for example, we can slow down osteoporosis through weight-bearing exercises. At the same time, a subtle change in the type of fats you are consuming can assist in controlling obesity.
I say it again…knowledge is power.
I’d like to end this month’s article by telling you that I really enjoy being a student. I think it is very important that we continue to learn something new each day, and share it with other people. Everyone has something to offer. I have learned many things from many of you over these past four years, and I hope that my little articles have added something to your day, as well.
Health is such a broad and interesting topic, but in the end…knowledge is power.
…until next time
(Please consult your doctor prior to beginning any new exercise or nutritional plan)