We want to assure the entire community that we have hired both a PE certified engineer and a prestigious law firm to fully explore the issues with our roof antennas. The Board is united in our desire to check any safety issues and to make certain the contract with Continental Communications has not been compromised in any way. Our written letters and legal efforts attempting to postpone our date before the Board of Standards and Appeals (B.S.A.) have been successful. What’s more, on Tuesday, August 19, the B.S.A. unanimously agreed with our attorneys and would not hear Continental’s attempt to force us to agree to an additional 10 year lease of our roofs. Many of our elected officials and Community Board 13 deserve our appreciation for supporting our efforts. THE BOARD HAS STRESSED THAT IF ANY HEALTH OR SAFETY PROBLEMS EXIST, WE WILL ADDRESS THEM IMMEDIATELY!
I have received over 35 letters from owners in the last four weeks. These notes have expressed both suggestions and concerns. All items are shared with the entire Board and will be listed on the board agenda at each meeting. Following our discussions, the residents who wrote letters will receive written or verbal feedback about the matters they addressed. Many of the letters are forwarded to our committee chairpersons if the issues fall under their area of responsibility. We hope this system will assure owners that their concerns will be read and considered.
About 100 residents applied for membership on our committees and presently 80 have been selected to assist us with the cooperative’s business and activities. The board members were pleased with this level of support and cooperation. The board chairperson of each committee will: 1-Inform the Board of the committee members’ suggestions, 2-Give their own opinion on each issue and 3-Make recommendations to the Board for possible action. With this procedure, committee members will be assured that their opinions are presented to the entire Board.
We promised that the Board would hold more open meetings during the year. Our first public meeting will be held on the third Thursday in September. We are planning a second meeting prior to the time when many of our residents leave for their winter homes. The date will be announced shortly.
As we’ve mentioned in every correspondence, we continue to recommend the increase in the length of our Proprietary Lease. This item will again be placed on our ballot. We will be seeking ideas from the community as to how to encourage owners to vote for this amendment. There is no reason to object to this passage since it protects buyers, sellers and the cooperative as well.
We hope you all enjoy the rest of the summer.
Bob Ricken
President, North Shore
Towers Board of Directors