
Bring all hit-and-run drivers to justice

By Frederick R. Bedell Jr., Glen Oaks Village

Hit-and-run drivers have killed and injured many across this nation. It was reported last year that 1,038 people were killed and 70,636 people were injured.

This struck home recently when my friend, Bob, was struck by a hit-and-run driver, suffered numerous injuries and is still hospitalized. Also, a few years ago my doctor was struck by a hit-and-run driver and it took him 18 months to recover from his injuries.

Anyone who would leave the scene of an accident is callous. I have done research into this matter and discovered reasons why people leave the scene of an accident. The reasons are as followers: driving while impaired, being an unlicensed driver, protecting one's immigration status, being uninsured, street racing, road rage and youthful immaturity.

Former Gov. George Pataki implemented new legislation in June 2005, which elevated the crime of leaving the scene of an accident that results in a fatal injury to a class D felony. It carries a maximum sentence of 2 1/2 years to seven years in prison.

We have to catch these drivers and bring them to justice. If you see a hit-and-run, report it. We need to protect our neighbors, friends and families. I think Queens is a good place to start being an example for the rest of the nation.