
If Bloomberg wants a third term, bring issue before the city’s voters

Mayor Michael Bloomberg's attempt to extend term limits through legislative action instead of a public referendum is a power grab akin to that of a monarchical ruler. Circumventing voters' will under the guise that it is in the city's best interest is self-serving and deplorable. I believe voters know this and will respond accordingly.

The mayor and City Council members came into their current positions, in part, because of term limits. Now they say they need more time because of the financial crisis. Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani was not given extra time after Sept. 11, 2001.

People who hold elected office are replaceable. There are many capable candidates for all of the elections in 2009 who have the experience and know how to run and manage the city.

Running for office is about public service, not advancing one's own agenda. Government should serve the people and their interests, not vice versa. The people have spoken twice in favor of term limits.

The time has come for the mayor and others term-limited out of office to move on. There are other ways of effecting change to make this city a better place. I praise those Council members who have come out against extending term limits through legislative action.

If the mayor wants to extend his term, he should put the issue before the people via public referendum. Anything less is undemocratic and wrong.

Bryan Rivera


23rd City Council District
