
Youngest Resident Celebrates First Birthday

Ashton Kay, the youngest resident at North Shore Towers recently celebrated his first birthday milestone with a party at Towers on the Green.
John Kay and Shari Strauss-Kay, who were married on March 25, 2006, first bought an apartment at North Shore Towers three years ago and have been living in it for the last two.
The two met at a party being held by the book publishing company that John worked for at the time. He now works in wine importing at Frederick Wildman and Sons while Shari helps with her family’s business, Union Wine and Liquors.
John and Shari welcomed their first child, Ashton, on October 3, 2007.
“Having Ashton at the Towers has been great in many ways and also a little hard because although he does love to try and run away and crawl down our hallway, there isn’t that much room in our apartment for him to explore,” John and Shari said. “However, there is also a wonderful feeling of security and caring for our family here at the Towers. It is also nice that his grandparents can come over to visit and watch Ashton while Shari and I can escape to the arcade for a bite to eat at the restaurant and a night at the movies.”
When not out and about elsewhere, the couple said they take Ashton to the Towers playground as much as they can, that he also loved playing in the kiddie pool over the summer and they just go for walks around the grounds with him. Ashton has also become a fan of the Linzer Tarts and frozen yogurt at the restaurant.
“We have so many friends here at North Shore Towers that love Ashton,” the couple said. “Ashton is a flirt and loves to smile and laugh with all the ladies. He has become great friends with our neighbors and our wonderful concierge and building staff.”
However, the couple did say that they wished there were more younger children around for Ashton to become friends with.
To celebrate Ashton’s first birthday, John and Shari held a birthday party in Towers on the Green on Sunday, October 12.
“All of our guests had such a wonderful time at Towers on the Green - the food, the staff, the weather were perfect,” they said. “Harry and Gus run a first-class operation there and we were so pleased with our decision to have our party here. So many friends were also very impressed with the catering facility and the North Shore Towers lifestyle.”