The latest internet scam is another attempt at mass identity theft by email.
A warning arrives in your inbox from “Customer Care” (or customer service) at “Webmail” or some similar generic name.
For some reason – fraud by nefarious others, usually – email accounts are being shut-down and yours is going to be one of them.
Unless, of course, you verify your email user name, password, date of birth and country of origin with them. Just fill in the information and hit reply, but you must do it right away (24 to 48 hours) or your email will be cancelled.
It’s nonsense. The email originates from a provider in Russia, and the senders are trolling for your identity, by just asking you to give it to them.
Not only can they help themselves to your address book, with all its email addresses that they can use or sell, but the truth is that too many people use only one user name and one password for everything.
Like many scams, the English is awkward and it seems too silly to work, but sometimes it does, especially among older, less internet savvy users – like some of your friends and relatives.
Remember – no matter how convincing an email may seem, don’t use the links inside the email and don’t “reply” with sensitive information.
Do use the regular web page of your email or internet provider, bank, credit card company, etc. to resolve problems you heard about in an email. Usually, it’s a false alarm.