
Residents want fair treatment from Housing Department

An open letter to City Councilman Tony Avella:

We are being informed by your office that the city Housing Department is ready to schedule a date for a meeting with us. We are requesting the meeting be held in a public facility close to 89−06 138th St. to accommodate the senior residents and local community.

In writing on behalf of the 138th Street−Sutphin Boulevard Resident Advisory Board, we are requesting we jointly participate with the department and your office to arrange and decide on the location and date of the anticipated meeting. We are requesting we be given an advanced written notice stating the agenda and issues of the meeting and a timely opportunity to disseminate and advertise the notice to the community.

We are requesting the Housing Department provide at the anticipated meeting a lawyer from their tenant legal division because we are under the Emergency Tenant Protection Act. We are requesting the department provide us with a representative from the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department to attend this anticipated meeting because the subject buildings were conveyed pursuant to the federal home agreement and Federal Community Development Block Grant Program.

We are requesting the city Housing Department contact the two displaced tenants, Mrs. Falco and Mr. Gaberto, to inform them about this future meeting. We are requesting Spanish−speaking translators be provided at this proposed meeting for the residents that have limited English speaking and comprehension abilities.

Frederick Jones
