
Bozo of the Week

It was a desire for a Coca-Cola that thrust state Sen. Frank Padavan into the center ring of the Albany circus. He says he was only passing through the Senate chambers to the soda machine when he accidently gave the Senate Democrats the body they needed to begin voting on 125 bills. The beleaguered governor was ecstatic.

For a brief moment, the stalemate was broken and the Senate — at least half of it — was working again. But the Republicans said no way. Republican Sen. Dean Skelos wanted a do-over. He said Padavan was passing through and did not sign in. The legislation should not count.

Gov. David Paterson had to agree. He refused to sign any of the bills. The show goes on. Sadly, a Queens senator who has shown the ability to work with both parties was thrust into the middle of a partisan battle that has made the Senate the laughing stock of the nation.