
Push landmark status
for Victorian homes

Following a September 10 hearing on landmarking the Ridgewood Historic North Area, City Councilmember Elizabeth Crowley said, “I am pleased that plans to landmark some of the beautiful areas in the Ridgewood Historic district area are moving forward. As a member of the Landmarks subcommittee, I will continue to push the Landmarks Preservation Commission to complete the landmarking of the Ridgewood Historic North Area. The longer we wait, the more the houses change, shrinking the size of the proposed historic district. Landmarking the Ridgewood historic district is a great opportunity to preserve the many hidden jewels of our community.”
Recently, Crowley toured the Richmond Hill historic district with Richmond Hill Historical Society President Diane Freel and Vice President Ivan Mrakovcic. The three met at the bronze Buddy Monument and walked along Myrtle Avenue and Park Lane South, an area lined with turn-of-the-century Victorian homes.