
Buckle your pets when in your car

If you love to take your pet out for a quick trip – or even a cross-country trek – it’s a smart idea to put a seatbelt on your furry family member.

Buckling up your animal friend could possibly save you, your pet and other motorists from an automobile accident. National statistics show that animal/pet related auto accidents are on the rise, according to Allstate spokesperson Krista Conte.

“Many of the most common-sense rules motorists’ use to protect children in a car can also apply to animals” said Conte.

“Many people know that buckling up can save lives, but they don’t always think about buckling up their pets in the car,” Conte pointed out. “Unrestrained pets can distract drivers and cause accidents, and in the event of a crash, an animal that is not properly restrained can become a flying projectile. That is why it’s a good idea to make sure that everyone – including the family pet – buckles up for safety.”

Many car companies are providing insurance services for pet owners to make sure their pet is properly protected in case of an injury.

Allstate has a list on their web site of necessary precautions to take and products to use to keep your pets safe while you’re driving.

Safety measures include pet restrainers, barriers and seat covers to make them feel comfortable during those long trips.

Other precautions include getting your pet accustomed to riding in a vehicle, as many accidents are caused by pets that get highly stressed while taking car rides.

One bad mistake owners make while driving is allowing dogs to stick their heads out a car window, exposing them to dirt, dust and rocks could lead to scratches or harmful eye injuries. Additional risks are from flying objects and risk of trauma to the ears of the animal, which are sensitive to high speed winds.

So before you take your pet on a joyride, consider its safety as well as your own. For more information, visit www.allstate.com or go to www.vehiclevibes.com for safety procedures.