By Rebecca Henely
After being asked to leave their former practice field at Juniper Valley Park, the Queens Falcons have been facing a few struggles in the new field where they play, especially as it gets dark.
Doris Nowillo Suda, community affairs spokeswoman for the Falcons, said the team is hoping to get lights installed along the multipurpose astroturf field in Mafera Park so the team can feel safe and play at night.
“We really would like the Parks Department to work with us,” Suda said.
She said many other children use illegal substances in the park as well as urinate behind the storage shed. She said this interferes with the Falcons’ goal to set a good example for the kids.
“We’re a positive influence on that park and we want to have that all around us,” Suda said.
She also said there is not much police presence in the park.
According to its website, the Queens Falcons is a nonprofit organization that teaches young people how to play football. The league is made up of five teams of kids ranging from 5 to 17 years old and their season runs from May to December.
“The fall is just around the corner,” Suda said. “It gets darker earlier.”
Suda said the team services more than 250 children and pays for the equipment and busing for team members.
“We’re a positive influence on that park and we want to have that all around us,” she said.
Officer Thomas Bell, community affairs spokesman for the 104th Precinct, said the precinct is looking into how to address any gang activity in the park. As of this writing, he said the precinct was planning a meeting.
Phil Abramson, spokesman for the city of Parks Department, said it is open to installing lights at the multipurpose field, but has never received a formal request from the Falcons.
“It’s something we’re very open for,” he said.
Abramson said the lights would need to be paid for either through fund-raising by the Falcons or through partnership with elected officials as well as approved by Community Board 5 and the city Department of Transportation.
Suda said the Falcons are willing to fund-raise and would be willing to partner with CB 5. They will be holding a dance later in September to raise funds.
“There’s only so much we can do,” she said. “And we’re willing to raise the money and say, ‘Here’s our portion of it.’”
Reach reporter Rebecca Henely by e-mail at or by phone at 718-260-4564.