
Clearing the air

Shirley Sacks
Forest Hills
It seems to me that emissions from automobiles are far more deadly than second hand smoke. After all, I could get up and walk away from a smoker. If the mayor wants a healthier citizenry, he would ban cars from the city altogether.

Horn honking is very jarring. I have been woken up at all hours of the night. Drivers seem to forget that people live here – are we not entitled to have peace and quiet?

They believe they can do anything in their own private space even if it happens to be unlawful like horn honking. In addition, there are ubiquitous signs saying DON’T HONK/$350 FINE.

Horn honking is ILLEGAL and only permitted if there is apparent danger.

It is not permitted when people are trying to park or get out of a space. It is not permitted to honk Access A Ride buses picking up or delivering elderly passengers. Neither is it permitted to notify friends that you’ve arrived at 7 a.m.

Finally, in a recent article in the NY Times, it was reported that noise is the most frequent complaint to 3-1-1. The mayor spoke about banning the cars from the city and improving mass transit. If he is serious, now’s a good time to start.

Shirley Sacks

Forest Hills