
Endorsements/Propositions Mess


When you head to the polls on November 2, we urge you to vote Andrew Cuomo for Governor. Cuomo knows what it’s like to grow up in Queens and what issues are important to New Yorkers. We believe he is the only one strong enough to eliminate the “three men in a room” style of governance that we have seen too much of in this state.

Let’s return Thomas P. DiNapoli to the State Comptroller’s office and give him a chance to help Cuomo fix Albany.

On a local level, we urge you to re-elect Republican Frank Padavan in the State Senate District 11 race over challenger, former Councilmember Tony Avella. Padavan’s impact on northeast Queens is clear for anyone who has ever visited the Queens County Farm Museum, Alley Pond Environmental Center, Fort Totten and Udall’s Cove to name a few – all of which either exist or thrive today because of Padavan. We don’t always believe a candidate’s tagline, but in this case we do — “Nobody cares like Frank.”


As if it could not get any worse, the boneheads at the Board of Elections who trotted out their voting machines of choice in the Primary Election — to mass confusion — one upped themselves for Election Night, November 2.

Now voters will not only have to stand in line to get their paper ballot, stand on another line to access the "private marking area" and then stand on a third line to scan their marked ballots, they will have to remember to turn the ballots over and mark their vote on the two propositions printed there. ON THE BACK OF THE BALLOT!

Not only do voters have to deal with small type and a magnifying device to mark the balloons on the ballots, long lines, broken scanners, balky scanners – they have to remember to turn the ballot over to vote on the changes contemplated by the City Charter Revision Commission. These are important changes that you the voter requested be made to the way the city governs itself.

A phone call to the Board of Elections assured us that the new scanners actually scanned both side of the ballot going through to the lock box. We certainly hope so.

No matter what, remember to vote.