
THE SILENT SHAME: A guide for abuse victims

For the past month, we have tried to put a face on the “disease” that is Domestic Violence.
In Queens each year, thousands of people – men and women and children of all ages and backgrounds – fall victim to abuse at the hands of a loved one and sadly, some are even killed.
We have tried to educate our readers about domestic violence, including the many forms it can take and who the victims are, and we are providing information about where victims of abuse can go for help.
If you think you are a victim of domestic violence, we has listed many places right here in Queens that you can turn to for help.
Although this is the last part of our series, we will continue to cover the issue of domestic violence in our newspaper.

This series was reported and written by reporters Pete Davis, Claudia Cruz and Jessica Lyons and edited by Tonia N. Cimino and Lou Parajos. It was designed by graphic artist Stephen Reina.

Giving a voice to ‘The Silent Shame’

Queens DA is tough on abusers

Fighting for her niece – and so many others

Prevention through education

New state laws increase victim protection

She found the strength to survive

Keeping tabs on abusers


New housing laws from Feds for victims

THE SILENT SHAME: A guide for abuse victims PART IV

Part 3 of our series spotlighted sources of help for victims of domestic violence.

Part 2 of our series delves deeper into the issue of domestic violence, including the effect on children, male victims, and what is being done to help victims.

Part 1 of our series focuses on the introduction of the “disease,” that is domestic violence.