Local politicians reported a great improvement in the city’s handling of street plowing during the snowstorm of January 26.
Started by Senator Malcolm A. Smith, Operation Snow Patrol is a team formed in response to the city’s poor response to the 2010 Boxing Day blizzard.
Members of the snow patrol surveyed the streets from 4 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. on January 27 to ensure that all streets in southeast Queens were being plowed in a timely manner.
“I would like to applaud the City Council, Department of Sanitation and the Office of Emergency Management for their efforts to ensure that the main streets of Southeast Queens and NYC were plowed before the morning rush hour,” said Smith. “Based on what I have seen this morning I would hope that all of the side streets throughout the city would be clear by noon today.”
Smith added that if there are any streets that have not been cleared to call his office immediately for assistance.
Councilmember Peter Vallone Jr. echoed the senator’s sentiment.
“Last month our city failed us when it came to preparation, snow
removal, and communication. This time, our streets are plowed, and top officials have been reaching out to local communities all morning,” he said. “Some problems remain, but that’s to be expected after receiving 19 inches of snow. They learned their lessons well in a short period of time, and deserve an A.”
Queens Borough President Helen Marshall asked residents to
check on frail and elderly neighbors who may need food or
“More snow fell than most predictions indicated and many
senior citizens may be stuck in their homes for a day or more,” said Marshall. “Food deliveries could also be delayed, along with
transportation services because of today’s storm.”
Marshall also asked homeowners and apartment house landlords to try and clean corners and nearby hydrants to avoid pedestrian injuries.
“Efforts like these will go a long way in helping to keep us
all safe,” said Marshall.
How have the streets near you been? Let us know in the comments below.