Queens’ libraries get by with a little help from their friends.
Surprise donations from two Queens elected officials highlighted the “City Council Chapter, Friends of Queens Library” swearing in ceremony at the Long Island City Library on Tuesday, March 15.
Councilmember Jimmy Van Bramer and Borough President Helen Marshall went check for check, both making $1,000 personal contributions to support the Buy-A-Book initiative – ensuring new books and supplies for libraries across the borough.
Buy-A-Book is the City Council Chapter’s first official initiative to buy library books and other materials for library shelves. The campaign follows a drastic drop in the library’s new materials budget, as public funding sources have fallen short.
Joining Van Bramer and Marshall were fellow “friends” City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, Councilmember Karen Koslowitz and Brooklyn Councilmember Vincent Gentile.
Presiding over the swearing in was Thomas Galante, chief executive officer of the Queens Library.
“The City Council has supported Queens Library time and again, and have always been true friends,” he said. “With their activism, and the energy of the Friends of the Library from all over, we know we can bridge the gap in our new materials budget.”
Quinn said that her membership in the Friends of Queens Library is something that she will wear as a badge of honor.
“I am truly honored to be inducted into the Friends of Queens Library,” said Quinn, adding that her interest in politics began at her local library. “Our city’s libraries are a great way for everyone to explore a whole new world without breaking the bank.”
The council speaker also announced that through the City Council’s public and private partnerships, they were able to secure donations from publishers and encourage individuals, companies and organizations to reach out to their local libraries during this time.
Van Bramer, who was chief external affairs officer of the Queens Public Library before he was a councilmember, said that nothing happens at Queens libraries without the hard work of each and every staff member. It is because of them that children – like those in attendance from P.S. 111 – can enjoy area libraries.
That is why he feels that Buy-A-Book can truly benefit any child in any library across the borough.
“The Buy-A-Book initiative is a great program for our community and I am thrilled to be standing here today with Speaker Quinn, Councilmember Gentile and my collegues in the New York City Council as we are inducted as official Friends of the Library,” said Van Bramer. “The formation of this Friends chapter is one more sign of the City Council’s commitment to our libraries and I will continue to fight for Queens Library as I have for the past 12 years.”
Elisa Burke, a librarian at P.S. 111, said that she couldn’t overstate the importance of libraries. For her, children need the cultural advantage of a local library and also benefit greatly from the library’s ability to act as a community hub.
“This is their home, it’s where they come after school,” said Burke. “It’s a safe and healthy afterschool environment.”