
NST Personnel Trained on New Communication System

As North Shore Towers prepares to launch its new communication system through the MyBuilding software program, training has been taking place and an “early enrollment” will soon be taking place for some residents.
Management and lobby personnel received initial training in May. As with a typical systems rollout, during the training some “kinks” were identified. Areas where additional training would be helpful have also been identified.
One of the features of the new system is that it will aid with package pick-ups. Residents may have already noticed large screens in the lobbies that display information about the apartment and the package waiting to be picked up.
The screens display it as “Building.Apt#.” For instance, if it reads “1.1A,” that means the residents of Building One, Apartment 1A have something to pick up. If 2.18G is listed, there is a package for Building Two, Apartment 18G.
This building indicator is necessary because the entire North Shore Towers complex is considered one database. Since the same apartment numbers are used in each of the three buildings, some way of distinguishing those in the different buildings needed to be created.
Photo icons on the screen identify the type of package, such as FedEx, UPS, US Postal Service, flowers or a prescription, etc.
Since the screens first started to be used, the scrolling has been slowed down to allow for additional time for residents to find their apartment.
Residents will now need to sign for packages so that the cooperative can track inventory and help locate any missing packages.
North Shore Towers will soon open the system for some “early enrollments” to allow for further testing. About 20 to 30 residents will need to complete their enrollment in order to help test the system.
The House and Ground Committee’s Technology Subcommittee noted that this is a vital step in any systems launch to help identify any issues and, most importantly, any potential areas of possible confusion.
Anyone interested in assisting with this preliminary portion of the project should send an email to northshoretowers@yahoo.com for additional information.
Once the early enrollments have validated that everything is working properly, North Shore Towers will schedule the official building-wide launch of my.northshoretowers.com. In addition, Guy Blachman of MyBuilding will participate in a special launch meeting to fully explain the system to residents.