
83rd Precinct Commander Honored

About 100 people came out to honor outgoing Deputy Inspector Stephen Capasso (third from right), the commanding officer of the 83rd Precinct, at a ceremony held by the Bushwick Residents Association at nearby BuenaVida Nursing Home. Helping honor the commander were (left to right) Maritza Davila of the Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council (RBSCC); Brooklyn Community Board 4 District Manager Nadine Whitted; the RBSCC’s Carmen Bonilla and Angela Battaglia; City Council Member Erik Martin Dilan; Assemblyman Vito Lopez, Barbara Smith of the 83rd Precinct Community Council; Capasso’s family, including his father Carl, wife Donna, daughter Annalise, sons Carl and Andrew and his mother Louise; and Board 4 Chairperson Julie Dent.