
Valentine’s Day Love Stories: Mary Nally and Tony Gugliucci

Mary Nally and Tony Gugliucci (1)w

With Valentine’s Day upon us, The Queens Courier asked local couples what made them fall – and stay – in love.

Mary Nally and Tony Gugliucci

Q: How long have you been together?

A: Twelve years

Q: How did you meet?

MN: We met right here [at the Howard Beach Senior Center]. I used to sell crafts and Tony used to come buy things. Tony came by one day and said, “You always have my number but how come I don’t have yours.”

Q: Do you have any plans for Valentine’s Day?

MN: Not yet, we’ll probably eat together.

Q: What are some activities you do together?

MN: Sometimes we visit our children. We used to go dancing and go out with friends.

Q: What qualities or traits do you like about your partner?

MN: I like that he’s a good-hearted person. He never says no.

TG: I like everything