Photo Gallery Local Lawmakers Make Pilgrimage to Israel By QNS Editorial Posted on March 15, 2012 Sign up for our QNS email newsletter to get news, updates, and local insights delivered straight to your inbox! A contingent of City Council members from Queens recently joined City Council Speaker Christine Quinn on a trip to Israel. The 10-day excursion, sponsored by the Jewish Community Relations Council, explored a number of topics and included tours and discussions of various Israeli sites. Legislators also met with Hedva Almog, deputy mayor of Haifa; Amran Mitzna, former mayor of Haifa and Yerucham, and representatives of Technion, the Israel Institute of Technology, which will establish a new applied science and engineering campus on Roosevelt Island. Among those pictured at the Mount of the Beatitudes near the Sea of Galilee are Speaker Quinn, City Council Members Elizabeth Crowley, David Greenfield, Robert Jackson, Peter Koo, Karen Koslowitz, Melissa Mark-Viverito, Annabel Palma, Dominic Recchia and Mark Weprin; Cara Berkowitz, director of city and public affairs for the UJA Federation of New York; Ronald Soloway, managing director of government and external relations for UJA Federation; and Michael Miller, executive vice president and CEO of the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York.
Schneps Podcasts The Lawfare Project: Fighting Antisemitism Through Law with Brooke Goldstein, Founder and Executive Director