Hey Folks! ODD NEWS
An Ohio woman baffled local law enforcement officers when she tried to break into a county jail. Tiffany Hurd, 36, went to the Butler County Jail Sunday Morning when deputies saw her attempting to climb over a barbed-wire fence. She was advised to leave by staff and refused and said, “I want to be arrested.” The deputies obliged and Hurd was charged with disorderly conduct and criminal trespassing!
Shane Matus, a 12-year-old boy was struck in the face by a bird while riding The 45-story Kingda Ka rollercoaster at Six Flags in New Jersey!
Belarus’ authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko has sacked two of the nation’s top defense officials after two Swedish advertising agency employees piloted a light plane into the country’s heavily guarded airspace, dropping 879 teddy bears decked out in parachutes and slogans supporting human rights!