Yes, I am. I’m voting because I am tired of Mayor Michael Bloomberg. I want to see more change in our small communities, not only for the rich.
Michelle Rojas
I am definitely voting because I think it is important to narrow down our options so whoever is the better candidate in each party will be left for the people to make their ultimate decision.
Cris Capello
Yes, I’m going to vote. The number one reason is to exercise my right. Though I hate to see Mayor (Michael) Bloomberg go. He’s been a good and bad mayor.
Joseph Frank
Yes, because I am supposed to. I want to see that we keep the city safe.
Dimitri Sulantzos
Yes, I will because it is important to get your voice heard. Every vote counts.
Gina Liberta
I will be voting because it is my right to vote and I always vote. Narrowing down is better.
Cindy Rubin
I probably won’t. I just don’t really follow the primaries. When it comes to the mayoral elections I’ll vote.
Alanna Cohen
I won’t and really never have. I always vote for the mayor and the president though.
Jenna Massa