
Shame on you, Governor Christie

Well, there it is plain as day: the difference between a president like Barack Obama who tries to work with Republicans while they spit in his face, and a Republican presidential wannabe who punishes the people that don’t vote for him.

Hey Chris Christie, see that puff of smoke in the distance? It’s your dreams of the White House! What a disgrace! First responders delayed for hours while trying to get to fires and medical emergencies. Citizens trying to get to work or home. Families unable to get their kids to school on time (for days) and parents getting to work late as a result.

All for political retribution! And Christie claims he is innocent. One of two things is true. Either Christie is lying and he should be brought up on charges, or he is telling the truth, and is an inept “leader” that has no clue what his staff is up to. Christie goes on to say that he’s not a bully. Really? And of course, FOX News and Republicans commended him for the way he handled himself during his press conference. Christie even joked that he was one of the workers who put out the traffic cones.


Robert LaRosa
