
City Pols Offer Budget Wish List

Bring Their Priorities Directly To State Capitol

On a visit to Albany Tuesday, Mar. 4, City Council Speaker Melissa-Mark-Viverito, State and Federal Legislation Committee Chair Karen Koslowitz, Finance Committee Chair Julissa Ferreras and Council Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer unveiled the New York City Council’s state budget and legislative agenda for the coming year.

The priorities range from giving New York City the ability to set its minimum wage, funding universal pre-k through a tax on the wealthiest New Yorkers and passing the DREAM Act to restoring aid to CUNY, passing the Woman’s Equality Act, funding for LGBT health and human services and critical Sandy Relief.

Mark-Viverito said: “These budget and legislative priorities reflect the values and principles of the New York City Council and our commitment to stand up for all New Yorkers. Whether it is passing the DREAM Act, funding universal prek or allowing New York City to set its own minimum wage, the Council is dedicated to working with our colleagues in Albany to deliver for New York City. I am looking forward to a constructive and productive dialogue with state legislators on the important issues facing New York’s families.”

“I feel it is only appropriate that NYC should have the power to determine our own minimum wage and develop a sustainable funding stream for UPK and after school programing,” said Koslowitz. “Our country is built on the ideals of liberty and opportunity, and the DREAM act is consistent with these core American values.

“As Chair of the Council’s Committee on Finance, I am pleased to join my colleagues in local government to call upon Albany to work alongside us as we advocate for the needs of our residents,” Ferreras said. “As we all know, a budget is a statement of our priorities, and I look forward to working with Mayor de Blasio, Speaker Mark-Viverito, and our Albany legislators to establish one that will enhance the lives of New Yorkers living across all five boroughs. I stand united with our Council body in advocating for each of the priorities we have outlined today.”

“Working with our colleagues in Albany is essentially important to the success for working on real, progressive solutions to the issues that face New York City today,” said Van Bramer. “The Council’s agenda for working with Albany shows a dedication to our progressive values, including providing real universal pre-K, passing the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act, raising the minimum wage for New York City, increasing funding for HIV & AIDS programs, and raising the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption threshold.