
Perp Turns His Gun on Cops In Elmhurst

Trigger-Happy Suspect Still At Large

As the Times Newsweekly went to press yesterday afternoon, June 25, police continued to seek the gunman who opened fire on two 110th Precinct officers on an Elmhurst street early last Saturday morning, June 21.

The suspect who allegedly opened fire on police officers in Elmhurst last weekend.

The NYPD identified the perpetrator as a Hispanic male between 20 and 25 years of age, standing 5’6″-tall with a medium build. Police are offering a $12,000 reward for information leading to the shooter’s arrest and conviction.

Neither of the officers that the gunman targeted were injured, law enforcement sources said.

Reportedly, the trouble began at about 1:47 a.m. last Saturday in the vicinity of Lamont Avenue and Forley Street.

According to authorities, a sergeant and a police officer assigned to the 110th Precinct responded to a 911 call regarding trespassers at a Lamont Avenue location.

While heading to the scene in a marked police vehicle, law enforcement sources said, they observed the suspected shooter brandishing a firearm chasing an unidentified male at the intersection.

Seconds later, police stated, the gunman opened fire on his intended target, who missed; the victim got away. The two officers reportedly exited from the vehicle and ordered the gunman to drop his weapon.

Instead, authorities said, the gunman turned his weapon on the two officers and fired a shot, which also missed.

The officers reportedly returned fire, missing the suspect, who managed to flee on foot.

In the process, it was reported, the perpetrator dropped a loaded .22-cal. handgun which the officers recovered.

Additional police units responded to the intersection and launched a massive land-and-air search for the suspect. Despite those efforts, authorities stated, no immediate arrests were made.

The investigation is ongoing.

Anyone with information regarding the incident or the suspect’s whereabouts that could prove helpful is asked to contact Crime Stoppers by phone at 1-800- 577-TIPS, by text message to 274637 (enter information, then the code TIP577) or online at www.nypdcrimestoppers.com.

All calls and messages will be kept confidential.