
Addabbo seeks nominations for New York State Senate Youth Leadership Recognition Awards

State Senator Joseph Addabbo. (Photo via NYS Senate website)

Senator Joseph Addabbo Jr. is accepting nominations for the New York State Senate Youth Leadership Recognition Awards for high school students in his district. 

The New York State Senate’s Youth Leadership Recognition Award program honors outstanding students who will become future leaders. 

Teachers and staff of schools within Addabbo’s Senate district can nominate current sophomores, juniors, and seniors who excel not only academically but through leadership in extracurricular and volunteer activities as well. Students selected to receive the New York State Senate Youth Leadership Recognition Award will receive a congratulatory personalized certificate from Addabbo. 

“This great program is a way for us in state government to honor the amazing achievements of students from across New York State and recognize them for the work that they do in the classroom and in their communities,” Addabbo said. “Many of our students excel in the classroom, in athletics, in the arts, and in their communities. I have been lucky enough to honor some of those students in my district with this prestigious award in the past, and would love to see many more of our local students nominated this year.” 

 The application form for nominees can be found on Addabbo’s Senate website at: https://www.nysenate.gov/eform/submit/new-york-senate-youth-leadershipNominations may come from teachers, administrators, counselors, or other school faculty members. They will have to attach a recommendation letter and the student’s brief statement about their accomplishment(s) on the application form. All nominations must be submitted by Friday, March 24.