After a five-year hiatus, the beloved ‘Cardboard Explosion!’ puppet show, led by master puppeteer Brad Shur, makes a much-anticipated return to Flushing Town Hall. Scheduled for Saturday, March 16th, this interactive event invites families to immerse themselves in a unique choose-your-own-adventure experience. Participants will craft heroes and battle dragons using nothing more than cardboard, as Shur skillfully transforms ordinary cardboard boxes into captivating puppet characters for the audience to interact with.
Shur discovered his passion for puppetry while studying at the Rhode Island School of Design and has been enchanting audiences with ‘Cardboard Explosion!’ since 2016. Shur says he eagerly looks forward to reacquainting the Queens community with his imaginative world, stating, “I think everyone is there to have a good time, to be excited, and joyful and share the stories. The kids go home with their own creativity super charged and they’re ready to find their own cardboard boxes and make their own puppets,”
In addition to the show, families will have the chance to create their own working puppets and learn how to utilize recyclable materials like Amazon boxes to recreate the magical puppeteering experience in their own homes.
For more information on how to purchase tickets, click the link here