Queens Village Affordable vs. appropriate: Debate rages on over Creedmoor Master Plan featuring thousands of new housing units By Gabriele Holtermann
Forest Hills Queens Community House completes $16 Million Forest Hills Community Center renovation project By Anthony Medina
Astoria Post Variety Boys and Girls Club of Queens awarded $3 million capital grant for new Astoria headquarters
Bellerose Op-Ed: Any Creedmoor plan must serve the needs of eastern Queens By Corey Bearak and Bryan Block
Bellerose Petition launched to halt Creedmoor Property Development in its current form to address residents’ concerns By Ethan Marshall
Glen Oaks Eastern Queens residents attend first community visioning session for redevelopment of Creedmoor campus By Carlotta Mohamed
Queens Village ‘Limitless possibility’: BP Richards announces community visioning workshops on redevelopment of Creedmoor Psychiatric Center campus in Queens Village By Carlotta Mohamed
Long Island City Lusskin set to depart Long Island City Partnership for position with Empire State Development By Bill Parry
Long Island City Queens Tech Council reconvenes to improve landscape for industry in borough By Bill Parry
Politics Councilman Vallone urges state to consider full-time LIRR schedule for Belmont Park By Jenna Bagcal
Long Island City ‘Save Citylights’: Residents of Long Island City co-op rally protest tax bill in front of City Hall (UPDATED) By Jenna Bagcal
Long Island City ‘You promised us affordable housing!’ Long Island City co-op owners rally to save their homes By Jenna Bagcal
Bellerose Can Belmont Park be the winning ticket to a new commuting hub for southeast Queens? By Robert Pozarycki
Bellerose And they’re off! State begins the race to redevelop parking lots at Belmont Park By Robert Pozarycki
News Queens craft breweries can win $250,000 in grant funds to promote their drinks By Anthony Giudice
Long Island City LIC Partnership awarded grant to pay for study on neighborhood’s future By Bill Parry
March 13, 4 pm Reception for “Island Sunflower Reflections” exhibition at QCC Art Gallery/CUNY QCC Art Gallery/CUNY
March 13, 7:30 pm It CAN Happen Here! Hallie Flanagan and the Federal Theatre Project Culture Lab LIC
amNY NYC mayor’s race: Lander hits Cuomo over report about state still paying millions in legal fees related to scandals