Jackson Heights Albany votes to legalize e-bikes days after green-lighting driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants By Bill Parry
Astoria Board of Elections doubles number of Queens early voting locations following complaints from electeds By Bill Parry
Bay Terrace Rozic, Braunstein urge BOE to include early voting sites in northeast Queens By Bill Parry
Corona ‘Dangerous and unsettling’: de Blasio raises ire for e-bike remarks as Queens pols push for legalization By Mark Hallum
Corona Delivery workers cry foul over city’s e-bike policies as two Queens reps seek to legalize rides By Mark Hallum
Long Island City Two Queens lawmakers propose legislation to legalize e-bikes and e-scooters in New York City By Bill Parry
Corona State legislature approves DREAM Act named for late Queens State Senator Jose Peralta By Mark Hallum
Flushing Flushing lawmaker backs bills aimed at closing the gender pay gap in New York state By Suzanne Monteverdi
Bayside Queens reps want city to take better care of ‘neglected’ Union Turnpike trees By Suzanne Monteverdi
Flushing State budget passes provisions to protect workers against sexual harassment By Gina Martinez
Flushing Domestic abusers banned from owning firearms in Queens and beyond under new bill By Suzanne Monteverdi
Bayside Cuomo announces $50M annual funding for transit improvements in Queens & outer boroughs By Suzanne Monteverdi
Bayside Queens lawmakers help Assembly pass new round of gun reform measures in wake of Florida massacre By Suzanne Monteverdi
Astoria Three Queens assembly members appointed to work group on sexual harassment By Suzanne Monteverdi
Flushing Parents asking for safety measures at busy intersection near Flushing school By Gina Martinez
Flushing Flushing lawmakers call for more traffic calming measures around local school By Suzanne Monteverdi
Flushing Rozic introduces bill pushing for equal representation on state public boards By Gina Martinez
Politics Queens lawmaker announces bill to give women equal representation on state boards By Suzanne Monteverdi
March 6, all day The 92nd Street Y, New York Announces Harkness Dance Center – Celebrating 90 Years, Featuring Performances from Ronald K. Brown/EVIDENCE and PHILADANCO!